Monday, April 27, 2015

Sun Tzu Art of War – Preempting Rival’s Strategies

The best form of attack advocated by Sun Tzu, is to preempt your rivals strategies. The ability to subdue the enemy without battle is a reflection of the ultimate supreme strategy. The supreme is to attack enemies strategies and plans, by thwarting them. Next is to attack the enemies strategic alliances with other nations. The next option is to attack enemy troops. The worst option is to attack the cities. (Chapter 3, Sun Tzu Art of War) So how do we preempt our rival s strategies? In the context of war, firstly, you must be able to anticipate the moves of your enemy. Secondly, the reason behind all these moves and thirdly, coming up with a strategy to counter these moves with the least amount of resources. All these generally need a lot of intelligence to carry out. 1) Anticipating your enemy s moves. Just by looking step one, we have an idea how difficult it is going to be. You need to have immense first-hand knowledge of your enemy s advisory group and the dynamics of the group too

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