Monday, April 27, 2015

Sun Tzu Art of War – Generals & the Nation

The general being an official, serve the nation. If he is thoughtful and detailed in his work, the nation would be strong and mighty. If he is full of flaws, the nation would be weak and vulnerable. Sun Tzu Art of War, Chapter 3 In the third section of the chapter, we have seen the importance of the generals of the nation, the stronger they are the stronger the nation. This sentence reinforces the saying of Sun Tzu, that the generals hold the fate of the nation and its people. In war, it is better to go for swift victories rather than engaging in a prolong campaign. Thus a general who is adept in warfare is also the controller of people s fate and nation s survival. Sun Tzu Art of War, Chapter 2 Business Application So did you staff your management with capable generals ? As Sun Tzu mentioned above, your company will only be as strong as the weakest management staff in you company. This is because the weakest management staff would be restricting how far your company moves. There are

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